Maryland Expungement Explained


Clearing your record: Maryland expungement explained . Many people who have criminal records are unaware that they can remove some types of convictions from their records. The expungement process can significantly boost your professional prospects.

A Maryland expungement lawyer can help you obtain your official record and determine which charges are eligible for expungement. Charges that resulted in acquittal, dismissal, or nolle prosequi are usually eligible for expungement if at least three years have passed since the case was concluded.

Expunging a Misdemeanor

Criminal records have a huge impact on people’s lives — they make it harder to get jobs, loans, housing, and credit cards. That’s why Maryland allows certain individuals to wipe their records clean after a conviction if they meet the state’s expungement laws.

The process is finicky and detail-oriented, and it’s a good idea to work hand in hand with an expungement lawyer who can double-check that the petition forms are filled out properly. Additionally, a background check should be requested before and after the expungement process to ensure that it went through and that records are no longer appearing in public databases.

Misdemeanor expungement is available for crimes like disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana, and shoplifting if at least four years have passed since the date of your conviction. It also depends on whether or not you have received a pardon from the governor, which does not expunge convictions from your record but clears you of guilt.

Expunging a Felony

An expungement may be a good option for someone who has a conviction for possession of cannabis or another drug offense on their record. Those with such convictions often have difficulty accessing jobs, housing, and other resources that require background checks. It is important to seek the help of an experienced expungement lawyer.

Expungements are court orders that wipe out your records so that members of the public cannot see them. The exception is that law enforcement agencies and certain government entities (such as courts and schools) can retain these records in case of a future run-in with the law or for safety reasons. To understand how expungements work and if you qualify for one, talk to an expungement attorney in Maryland. The sooner you start working on clearing your record, the better. Getting a lawyer as soon as possible can prevent your case from going unnoticed for weeks or months while you wait for the right time to file a petition.

Expunging a DUI

A criminal record can be a major hindrance in your life. A conviction can impact your ability to obtain a job, apartment, credit or loan, see your children, and even run for office. A DUI or DWI can be especially damaging to your career and reputation.

Fortunately, Maryland expungement laws allow for many crimes to be removed from your record after certain periods of time. Unfortunately, a DUI is not one of them.

Having a DUI on your record can make it difficult to get employment and housing. It can also interfere with your immigration status, child custody, and driving privileges. If you have a DUI on your record, you may be wondering if it can be expunged. While there are several circumstances in which a DUI can be expunged in Maryland, it’s not a simple process. You need the help of an experienced criminal lawyer to file an expungement petition that will be successful.

Expunging a Public Urination

Expungement removes an offense from the state’s criminal records database so that it will not show up on a background check. However, the record may still remain in private databases maintained by third parties or federal agencies such as the FBI.

If you were arrested for possession of marijuana prior to the decriminalization of that offense in Maryland, your case could be eligible for expungement. It would be best to speak with an experienced Silver Spring expungement attorney about the particulars of your case.

Charges that result in a not guilty, nolle prosequi, or dismissal are eligible for expungement as well as PBJ “convictions” and certain guilty findings from nuisance crimes. A qualified lawyer can help you understand the law in more detail and file the necessary petitions with the court on your behalf. Having a conviction in your past can keep you from getting jobs or promotions, which is why it is crucial to have the appropriate record removed when possible.
