What are the components of IT Infrastructure?

What are the components of IT Infrastructure?


In the business world, using technology as an advantage to increase productivity and be more competitive in the market has become a necessity. Therefore, the integration of IT infrastructure is the basis for ensuring the proper functioning and continuity of business operations.

It is the set of technological components that support the operation and delivery of one or more IT services, that is, everything behind an IT service. And its objective is to enable tools that support the organization’s operation and competitiveness.

Types of IT infrastructure

Traditional: Companies own their technological components and manage them within their facilities, mainly based on hardware.

In the Cloud: The providers are responsible for administering and managing the infrastructure based on services.

What is not infrastructure

If you are wondering if computers, laptops, and screens are part of the infrastructure of an IT service, the answer is no. A laptop is a way an IT service is accessed or consumed. However, it is not part of the infrastructure components that enable the service.

The services the company provides to its external and internal customers are a direct function of its infrastructure, and ideally, it should support the business strategy.

components of IT infrastructure

The infrastructure components are necessary to control, monitor and support the services offered by the IT area to the clients and users of an organization.

And to comply with this, certain requirements must be met to ensure the optimal functioning of a Site or Data Center.

How does it work?

Infrastructure is typically located in data centres where extensive networking, storage, and processing capabilities can be accessed to host technology applications and services.

Users in the organization can connect to back-end IT systems using the client’s infrastructure through desktops, laptops, and smartphones that can connect to the data centre using the network.

Benefits of IT infrastructure for the organization

  • It allows centralizing the information
  • Increases information security
  • Minimize or avoid the risk of failure
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Improves work productivity
  • Facilitates remote work and communication
  • Enables business expansion to other borders 

The optimal use and operation of the components are key to maximizing the benefits of the digital age and guaranteeing the competitiveness of organizations. In this sense, there is no standard. Instead, each organization must choose what best suits its needs.

In conclusion, having the necessary infrastructure components so that employees can carry out their work allows the organization to have an efficient and more centralized operation, protect its information, prevent vulnerabilities to disasters, and reduce expenses.

The IT Infrastructure Platform is made up of:

  • Hardware components
  • The processing functionalities of the servers
  • data storage devices 
  • Network functionalities allow data to flow through the IT Infrastructure Platform. 

Virtualization of servers and workstations

Virtualizing the company environment and moving it to the Cloud is today the basis for increasing productivity, flexibility in the face of new projects or having test stations, and increasing efficiency.

It allows you to install multiple applications on a single physical server, reducing hardware, energy and maintenance costs.

Savings in operating expenses: You do not need so many servers, expensive cooling installations, or so many dedicated personnel.

cooling power decreases quantitatively.

Greater security:

Support and backup: The backup copies of each virtual machine are scheduled, making them more efficient and faster.

Managed firewall: To prevent unwanted attacks on your data or denial of service.

Recovery and high availability: In the event of a failure that makes it impossible to use an OS or hardware, you can transfer your virtual server to another machine, being able to recover your work rhythm in record time.

Scalability: Increase or reduce your server resources whenever you think it is necessary.

Mobility and security: Your employees can access data from wherever they work.

By creating virtual resources, you will have all the tools you need. For example, you will optimize storage and share IT resources with those you think are necessary.


Networks are the foundation for all IT infrastructure.

A relevant network strategy must have an optimal design, implementation and maintenance. That is, it must be redundant, efficient, simple and robust.

We design and implement LAN and WAN networks with the best existing solutions, from local copper and fibre optic networks to WAN connections with multiple operators and Data Center networks.
