Link Building through Digital Wall Marketing

Link Building through Digital Wall Marketing


Link Building is an SEO process of creating backlinks to a web page and thus increasing traffic and Domain Authority to the web page because of quality backlinks from high domain authority websites. The backlinked website’s SEO score increases with numerous quality backlinks and website visits from relevant websites. This enables the backlinked website to get top search engine results for relevant search keywords and phrases and hence increased business opportunities and prospects.

There are numerous ways of building backlinks to a web page. Among them are Content Marketing, Business Listing, Social Media Posts, Video Marketing, Internet Advertising, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Guest Blogging, Mobile Marketing & App Marketing, URL Link Submission, Image & Video Sharing, E-downloads, Email Marketing, and a host of options. DigitalWhiteLabels is a leading SEO service provider and offers custom Link Building Packages. For More Information about DigitalWhiteLabels, click here.

Digital Wall Marketing is one of the effective Digital Marketing ideas to build backlinks to your website and drive quality traffic and increase your website’s SEO score. Let us learn more on this below.

What is a Digital Wall?

Digital Wall as its name explains is a web page or platform or digital space where brand owners and marketers can post their logo, product images, offers, news, business updates and all content related to their brands in various formats such as website links, text, images, videos and infographics or as a combination of them. These content posts are similar to writings and posters written or stuck that we see on physical walls in a city or town or display boards at storefronts about some store announcements . Hence, these posts may be termed e-posters, e-posts, brand posts, brand updates or brand news.

Like those physical posters and shop display boards are aimed at specific audience living in specific locations or passing customers to announce a product launch, deal or discount sale, a news on shop opening or shop shifting, arrival of new collections, rebranding, etc., the objective of posting these brand updates on the digital walls is to reach out to their specific audience in a digital way.

There are numerous digital walls around and the popular ones are Facebook timeline, Instagram posts, LinkedIn posts, Twitter posts, etc., that get the content and posts streaming and running.

Advantages of a Digital Wall

In the digital space as more and more content is getting submitted, posted and published by every passing second, new posts become old the moment new posts are submitted. Hence, in platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram posts disappear from the screen of the viewers almost the moment they are submitted as millions of new posts emerge in seconds that follow. This is the challenge. Though most of these platforms offer solutions to address these visibility issues such as Pinned Tweets, Sponsored Posts, Ads, Promoted Trends, Post Schedulers, Publishing Tools, etc., a specialized Digital Wall solution with the specific objective of supporting e-Posters concept has the following advantages:

Location specific targeting through IP or zipcode based e-Post reach without followers

Category and keywords specific search enabling filtered search of e-Posts

e-Posts reach through Google search for specific keywords and automatic showing of IP or location based e-Posts results

Brand specific updates and e-Posts

Link Building Benefits of a Digital Wall

Digital Wall with Brand Page that gives Backlinks to multiple web pages increasing the chances of quality backlinks for relevant pages

Potential targeting of backlinks from specific location or audience

Instant reach to a specific location and interest audience

An alternate solution for wall posters and physical wall in this digital era

Keywords promotion of your Digital Wall Brand Page through your niche keywords enables Google results and increased SEO scores and better business results for backlinks from Digital Wall e-Posts

Quick CTA fulfilments for your Brand mentions and URL’s

As Digital Wall is a free or low-cost yearly subscription based tool or platform, the cost of Link Building is nil or very low – almost like an organic SEO tool to promote your website.

Check with SEO Agency for comprehensive solutions.

Local Marketing through Digital Wall Marketing

The biggest advantage of Digital Wall Marketing is the ability to target location based prospects for your brand updates to get instant responses. With scores of followers for your Brand Page and subscribers for your account, your news updates will reach scores of users straight away and give you a huge number of backlinks to your website or Brand Page. Hence, Localized Digital Wall is a great Local SEO tool to promote backlink links across the globe but to location based and specific interest based target audience. As your ePosters and e-Posts get found through Google, your Posts or Brand Page which have a link to your website helps in its SEO indirectly and also directly in the long run improving its Domain Authority and traffic from relevant audiences.


Get hold of Digital Walls that are specifically tailored to promote brand news posts to specific audiences like location, interest and brand followers apart from using popular and general social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Ideally, brand news or product updates are posted to get immediate attention to new product releases and follow up actions, Call-to-Action fulfilments like online shopping, article readership, website clicks, physical walk-ins, Offer Coupons usage, forwards, likes, comments, shares, video viewing, trial use of products, contest & opinion poll participation, etc. So, it is not about the features of Digital Branding Wall that are everything, the creativity of your content matters a lot in your Link Building efforts. The relevance of Anchor Texts that you use for your backlinks, the content on the backlinks page, the context and relevance of the content and keywords of the Brand Page in the digital Wall add to the significance of your Link Building process. Do extensive keywords research using keywords tools, use audience studies, do content moderation of your news posts and put attractive slogans and taglines on your news posts to attract clicks on them for better results.

Digital Marketing